Friday, April 30, 2010

A couple white people in residence does not change your block’s ghetto status.


So, I was supposed to hook up with my new online friends Hello Kitty Slut and Tickle Da Pickle last Saturday at this spot that’s on North Avenue.


North Avenue is the ghetto from one end to the other. There are no breaks in the ghetto lines. It is the ghetto all day long, 365 days/year, 366 in leap year. But I listened to them both tell me that the revitalization had reached that area of North Avenue. *shrug* It’s worth a look see.

Tickle Da Pickle was hosting a Hip Hop/Reggae show down at this restaurant on North Avenue. This place actually has a website! Menu was very tempting. Nice pictures on the site. Got me to thinking that maybe it really wasn’t on North Avenue at all. That was just its address.

Let me explain, see, in Baltimore they will have the front door on one street and the loading dock, which is attached to the building, will sit on another street. Instead of using the front door address the business will have its official address as that of the loading dock. I have actually worked in buildings like that and been to establishments like that. I have no idea the reason for it. It’s Bmore. It just is. *chuckle*

In that general vicinity are the Maryland Institute of Art, Maryland Institute of Culinary Arts, University of Baltimore, and quite a few really nice reputable boutiques and eateries. None on North Avenue though.

So I had never been to this place and was thinking that perhaps it was one of those oddities that I mentioned above. I don’t have a car right now cuz I sold it when the oil companies lost their fukking minds. So a cabbing I go.

I get out and I’m like…uh…uh…this is the ghetto! This place sits right on North Avenue. If they had told me it was across the street from the rent by the hour motel I wouldn’t even have said I was coming. *chuckle* Then I could have saved the hard feelings. *chuckle* I don’t even really understand the hard feelings really. I left Tickle Da Pickle a belated birthday gift, a bottle of Cabo Wabo.

I didn’t feel comfortable in the area no matter what the two of them said. However, now that I’ve been there and seen the food I wouldn’t mind going there for lunch one day…long before sunset. *chuckle* And I’m going to need to be sitting in the back away from the front window…drive bys you know. *giggle* No I ain’t shyt but I believe in going where I am comfortable.

This actually sparked a bit of a debate between me, Hello Kitty Slut, Missreall and Honey Girl Charly. Those three (who don’t live here) are going to tell me, Baltimore born and raised, that North Avenue isn’t the ghetto. *LMAO* HGC actually said it was a neutral zone *LMMFAO* No such a thing in the ghetto. *reduced giggles* But it was a nice try. TDP ain’t talking to me at all.

*sigh* Shrug. It is what it is.

My worry was that I wouldn’t be able to get a cab in that area after the show. Show started at 10pm which meant we wouldn’t be out of there until 1-2 am. I had very little hope that a cab would come down there at that time of night. If I had remembered that as an establishment that serves alcohol a cab has to come when the bar calls I MIGHT have been swayed to stay. But, bay…bee…all I could see was the ghetto and my azz getting shot up if them ninjas didn’t go home after the show was over and got to fighting after the show.

At one point I was in tears laughing cuz HKS & TDP kept reiterating that there were white people down there. Like WTH does that have to do with the price of a bullet?

So, I sent out a text to my Bmore folk to get their opinion on it. My text was this:

Is North Avenue ghetto? I got people telling me that becuz some white people moved into ONE BLOCK that it ain’t ghetto. I’ll let you decide.

The answer is yes. No surprise there but my favorite answer was from TPL:

“Hell yes very ghetto probably dirty white people” LMMFAO!!!!!!

When he says dirty white people I am assuming he meant trailer park white people. The type who strung up a black doll baby a few years ago and set it on fire. I don’t call people trash cuz people are not trash…no matter what they do. I will call you a filthy animal if you act the part though. I’ve also never heard TPL call a person trash so that is my take on his comment.

Truthfully, looking over the crowd it was a nice group of middle aged Caucasian middle to upper middle class folk. But I doubted they would be attending the Hip Hop/Reggae show LOL

So I told HKS that I would treat her to lunch this Saturday…and you guessed it she chose to go back to the same spot. LMAO!

One lunch ain’t gonna change my mind but I imagine she won’t be satisfied until I try it. *smh* So if you don’t hear from me after this blame that damn Hello Kitty Slut! I probably got shot up in a drive by in their so called “neutral zone”.

*tips Stewart’s cream soda bottle at monitor*


  1. Sigh, there WERE middle aged white folks at the show and only one white chick got robbed!!!

  2. LMBO Who axed you for facts and examples? And I rest my case lol
