Thursday, July 28, 2011

I need to vent

I'm cranky. I haven't had a vaction yet this year. The job is just burying me in paperwork. The men on my job are a bunch of lazy azz unprofessional fuks who have gotten accustomed to dumping all the work on the women and expecting to get away with it. Which means we butt heads occasionally because I dump their shyt right back onto them. If you are 2-3 paygrades above me and don't know how to do your job then guess the fuk what? I won't be helping you. The women on the job are busy finding little petty ways to take out their frustrations on the men instead of just making the men do their fukking jobs. And everyone wants to bend my fukking ear about who is not doing what and what time this one and that one is coming to work or leaving work.

I want to scream this from the roof of my office building but instead I'll say it here.

I really honestly and truthfully do not give even so much as one fifth of a fifth of a fuk.

If people spent their time working and less time bytching and moaning we'd get a lot more done. Yeah, this one and that one ain't on their jobs but guess what, we've already seen this happen with 2 other people and they were removed from their jobs. Everything comes to light eventually.

My one coworker is walking around all teary eyed because she feels dumped on. O.k. then take a page out of my book and dump that ish right back onto them. I don't do ish that doesn't have to do with my job. I'm all about team work but I'm 43 years old and I learned a long time ago the difference between being on a team and being dumped on by a lazy azz fuk. Learn the difference and respond in kind. Not only do you not have to do their job you can very nicely point out that they are being paid for their expertise that is supposedly beyond your realm of thinking. Then you kindly point them in the direction of the boss. They leave my office and go find someone else to dump it on. Then they take their azzes out the door not to be seen for awhile. One guy was missing a few days. *shrug* Not my problem. I am not his boss. When I couldn't find him for what I needed, I dropped him an email and cc'd the boss and moved onto my next task. I bet his azz was in my office door first thing in the morning. I don't have time for a bunch of silly shyt. I got multiple projects going on. I'm going to finish what I can and move on to the next project. *smh* I really wish people would stop asking me what time did this one come in or leave. You would think my shrugging at them everytime they ask and responding: You know I was not paying attention; would make them stop asking me. My door is usually open but I have two desks I work from. I work from the desk that faces away from the door so I don't have to worry about that petty little nonsense.

What I want to say to cranky bytch # 1: Worry about your kid going to college who refuses to go on birth control because she says she never wants to have sex again. Of course she said that before you caught her and her new boyfriend making out under a blanket on your sofa. You might want to worry about being a grandmother with a possible college drop out who will have to look for a job in a bad economy. Your second problem is your nasty azz brother living in your basement who sounds like he is clinically depressed and he's eating your azz into bankruptcy. You're the one talking about getting a second job because he's eating you out of house and home. He won't date, though you have tried to hook him up. He has no friends. He uses up all your shyt and pays you no rent. These are just TWO of the issues in your life you could focus your energy on instead of what time the men on the job come and go.

What I want to say to cranky bytch # 2: Pack your shyt and get the fuk out of there before I see your house on the news. Just fukking leave already or suck it up. Nobody told your dumb azz to buy that unemployed shiftless broke azz wanna be player a car. Your dumb azz running around broke and hungrier than me eating noodles because you keep wasting your money taking that ninja on trips. He wants you to leave so he and his boo can lay up in his sister's section 8 house and chill. You are holding him up. Girl, nowhere in your internet travels did you read what Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters said about how to tell if you are a priority in his life? They were both the other women. No? Well here is the synopsis: THE WOMAN HE SPENDS HOLIDAYS WITH IS HIS MAIN WOMAN. You are married to this sonofabytch and he spends the holidays with the other chick. Stop walking around here sad and hungry and get thee the fuk out of Dodge.

What I want to say to cranky bytch # 3: I told you to stop letting the boy dump all his work on you. Now you're worried about his comings and goings. Worry about your husband. That mofo is cheating azz cheating on you. You keep believing he is loaning money to his brothers and they aren't paying him back. Who do you know who WORKS, not has a career, but fukking WORKS for a living and gives people thousands of dollars in loans that never get paid back? Especially in this economy. He's giving that money to his girlfriend, hell maybe boyfriend. Who knows nowadays? He's out with his "brothers" every weekend, coming in the wee hours of the morning and you're sitting home waiting on him. You need to hire a PI and find out why he is so interested in you saving your own money. Kinda like he making plans to split but he ain't sure if it is what he wants to do or not. One thing for sure, you don't want to be the last to know. Hell, he might just be hiding his money in case of a split and you'll be none the wiser because you are too busy worried about what time the boy comes to work. You got his comings and goings down to the minute and shyt.

What I want to say to the cranky bytch that I have become: Hold on girl. Your surgery is coming. Keep praying. Keep your head up. Your vacation is not too much further off. Keep laughing. Keep praying. Keep your head up. Keep them unhappy bytches at arms length. Keep working hard. Keep checking your ish and keep looking for that new opportunity. But most importantly, keep praying, keep our head up and keep laughing. At least until they take you away to a nice padded room. *smiles*

My tooth was infected. After one round of antibiotics it doesn't hurt anymore but it is still tender. I am tired of eating noodles and soup and yogurt and cheese and fruit. I want solid food! *sighs*

I'm cranky. I never cuss this much in print. But I'm cranky.

We had a staff meeting this morning and the main mofos that needed to be there were out today. *grits teeth* I know at least one of them probably didn't read any of the emails about the new forms to be completed before shyt gets to me. The meeting discussed them in detail. *sighs*

I'm tired, cranky, bitchy and hungry. BUT I'm a keep praying, keep my head up, keep laughing, keep working and keep looking for better. At least until they take me away to a nice padded room.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh my gosh last week was the week from Hell

I didn’t even make it to the end of the week. Thursday, I woke up with a headache and dizzy. Them people on my job *smh*. To top it off I got a virus on my computer at work and IT had to be called into clean it. While IT was doing their magic, I walked around to one of my coworkers’ office just to sip coffee until IT was done. I said good morning and she looked at me and burst into tears.

Last week was the week from Hell.

By the time I soothed her and got her story I was drained and it wasn’t even my life. I asked for Friday off because frankly I didn’t think I’d make it in. I woke up Friday with a headache too but I took 3 Extra Strength Tylenol and got back in bed. I spent the day in bed either on Facebook or Netflix or napping. By Saturday I was able to function and I awoke headache free. *smh*

I can’t do this job too much longer. I am praying to find something better soon.

This week wasn’t too bad job wise but I got a toothache that is a sonabitch! I see the dentist Monday. It is my wisdom tooth. I’ve been dragging my feet about getting it extracted because everyone tells me it hurts like hell. But if it is going to hurt this much I might as well go on and get it out.

I took today off because I’m too evil and cranky to be around people right now because of my toothache. I can only keep up the charade but so much for so long.

I’m still waiting for the shoe to drop on the job though. Everyone keeps telling me I’m being an alarmist but this dept I’m in…*smh*. I don’t know. Don’t feel like thinking about them right now. Maybe I’ll explain in detail another time.

I should lose a few pounds this week though *chuckle*. I haven’t been able to handle more than soup, and noodles. Last night I was able to upgrade to cheese and fruit! Yipeee! *sighs* I have a steak in the freezer that is calling my name. I don’t think I’ll be enjoying it anytime soon though.

Other than that, all is still insane and a lot is still wrong with the world. *chuckle*

*tips coffee mug at screen*