Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm trying to believe this woman is trying to help me but...

So it is Friday morning and I am trying to clean up some things on my desk. We are trying to get a document out the door to a client. There is a portion that has to come from our controller's office and our contact just ain't cooperating with us. We've been trying to get this document out the door since JANUARY!!!!

So the client drops us all another email first thing this morning and I email my boss and one of the other managers that perhaps it is time to kick it up to the guy's supervisor. So neither of those two answer. I made the mistake, I now see, of including my coworker on the email.

I don't know why but that sends her into scurry mode. She starts scurrying around pulling all these documents from other places trying to make the document up HERSELF. Ok.  Now neither my boss or the other manager have even responded to my email yet. I end up spending the next hour proofing shyt she is pulling together.

Finally, I see my boss go by and I call her into the fray of this mess. Do you know what my coworker does after pulling all these files and dumping them on my desk?  She scurries back to her office talking about "Oh let me get out of here. I don't want to be involved."

It took everything in my power to keep my professionalism on lock. So my boss rightly questions, as she still hasn't answered my email, did we just give up on getting the document from the other department? I said well {insert coworker's name} has. *imagine sounds of woman across the hall going: "Oh no no, keep me out of it" while me and the boss are talking*  Did you read my email?  My boss said yes and that she was going to call and talk to him before moving up to his supervisor.

So I spent my morning running down numbers for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I know she means well. I do. I know she means well but dear dear dear sweet Lord ... can she grow a bit of a backbone? Can she stop being so much of a worry wort? I just need her to dial it back one notch! Just ONE!

Then after all that she went back to her office and just yelled a few things she thought I should know because it is going to come back to you (me), you know? And she is probably right on that. But at the same time everyone knows what is going on. This didn't start with me. The goes back before I even got the account and you know who was handling it before me? My boss. So yeah. I go? We go.

I just needed to vent this. Now, I'm going to go have a cocktail. *salutes screen with empty highball glass*

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