Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's wrong with people?

*getting up on soapbox*

*flexes fingers and clears throat*

I need to vent. That’s all but if someone can enlighten me on what the hell is wrong with people then go for it.

This morning as I was headed off to work I got a couple texts. I waited until I got on the subway to check them. Once I start texting I can end up being late for work. LOL A few of my friends take public transportation so we keep each other company by texting. It’s quiet and confidential.

Anyway, one of my friendly acquaintances (she don’t know any of my dirt so she ain’t a friend) texted me that she had slept with a guy. Ok, I am shaking my head becuz this is the first I have heard anything about a new guy. Just yesterday she was fuming over some guy that she had one date with and then he didn’t speak to her for over a week. Then last night she hooks up with some guy and slept with him.

I texted back: Tell me u used condoms.

She texted back: A good time was had by all.

I texted back: That’s not what I asked u!!!! Be safe!

I haven’t heard back from her since.

What the hell is wrong with people? I mean seriously. Did we cure AIDS and Herpes and no one told me? I just don’t get it. I don’t get people. An AIDS related illness is a horrible way to go. I’ve seen it. And herpes pretty much is the end of your sex life. You can pass herpes even if you aren’t having an outbreak. So if you are a responsible adult that means you don’t have sex without informing your partner that you have it. And knowing what I know about both STDs, we would be good friends without benefits if I knew a guy I was dating was infected with either. Why would you take a chance with your health like that?

I enjoy sex IMMENSELY! But it ain’t worth dying over. A few years back Bmore had these signs all over the buses and subways that read: “You have to die from something but it doesn’t have to be AIDS.”

Someone rather smart rewrote one subway sign to read: “You have to live from something but it doesn’t have to be fucking.”

To me when you don’t take the proper precautions with sex you are basically saying that sex is more important than being alive and healthy.

Again, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? This is like the second friend that I’ve had confirmation that they don’t use condoms.

The first, my college buddy (MCB), said she trusts that God won’t send her an HIV positive man. My come back is that God also gave you common sense and the knowledge on how to protect yourself. Use it!!!! *crickets*

I just don’t get it. Is it becuz I’ve actually worked in a hospital and I have been through the AIDS floor that makes me more heated about the subject? I saw people with full blown AIDS and those HIV+ become the untouchable…in a hospital!

I remember one morning we got an email asking for volunteers to come to the nursery to hold the HIV+ babies becuz their own family members wouldn’t do so. Oh it broke my heart and still brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I was a little busy that morning so I didn’t call the nursery to volunteer until later in the morning. You can’t catch AIDS or become HIV+ by just holding someone who is infected. And I love newborn babies! I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my lunch hour. Fortunately for the babies they had an overwhelming response by hospital staff. So unfortunately for me I had to go on a volunteer waiting list. I never did get to hold the babies. *small quick pout*

A baby. An infant. Someone who is truly an innocent victim of this disease and no one in the child’s own family wants to hold them. Not the mother or father that infected the child. Not grandma, grandpa, aunty, uncle, cousin…nobody. And still people are playing sexual roulette with their lives and health.

I just don’t get it.

Ok. I am done ranting for the moment.

*stepping down off soapbox smh*

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