Sunday, January 24, 2010

A little clarification...very little.

I decided to clarify something I said in last Sunday’s post. The reason?

Well, my GFN gave me a new wallet for Christmas. As I was cleaning out the old wallet I ran across numbers from guys who I can’t remember their faces or why I didn’t call them. Usually, if a guy strikes me as someone I want to get to know better I’ll put his number in my cell. If it doesn’t work out the numbers remain there until I get a new cell. The only numbers I transfer are my staid and true family and friends.

So, I know there has to be a reason these guys ended up on paper instead of in my cell. I would love to remember why. So I know someday I will read that earlier post again and wonder why I wasn’t giving that guy a chance.

So here’s his story. I met this guy, whose name I have already forgotten *chuckle*, as I was leaving my dentist’s office. Gotta get my wisdom teeth pulled…help me I am such a wimp. Anyway, we strike up a conversation and he asks me for my number. Something told me that I shouldn’t do it. *pause* Now I remember why I don’t remember his name. I didn’t ask him and he forgot to volunteer it. Or maybe he did and I didn’t bother to remember it. *snicker*

So we are talking and he is trying to enter my cell number into his cell. He doesn’t know how to do it. So for some reason, I volunteer to do it for him. Still, strike one. He says he’s had the cell for a month or two but doesn’t know how to program his own phone. Yeah…who did you borrow that phone from? Or where did you find the phone, hon? Either way it doesn’t matter. I have a sincere problem with people who buy top of the line anything and then don’t have either a clue or the time to learn how to use it. I am not going to be texting you on your Blackberry and you have no idea how to respond. So you call me in the middle of a meeting. The whole point of me texting you was so that I could communicate discretely you mook!

Strike two: He asked me my marital status. I told him single. I didn’t even bother to ask his. I must truly have psychic abilities *lol* cuz something in me knew I wasn’t gonna like the answer. Not to worry, he volunteered that he is married but separated. Ok, no hook ups but we can be friends...maybe.  I ask how long he has been separated and he says 3 years. *blink* I ask, what is the hold up? Meaning what is the hold up on the divorce. That isn’t what he thought I meant obviously becuz his reply was and I quote:

“I keep trying to go back to my wife but she says I am fine where I am. So I’ll probably end up divorced.”

Strike 3 you are out and gimme back my phone number man! *rubbing forehead chuckling*

You gotta keep a sense of humor about this stuff otherwise you will end up in Sheppard Pratt (local mental hospital).

He was determined to change my mind though. He’s in the church you know. Uh huh and trying to pick up women while you are still married is a major no-no in the church. *smh*

Oh mercy. Well let me get back to cooking. These veggies won’t stir fry themselves.

*tips spatula at monitor*

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