Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christmas 2009

Sooooooo, my GFN did it again. *chuckle*

Let me start by saying I do love my GFN.  She's funny and beautiful and she' wants very much to be ghetto-fabulous.  She does not succeed.  But she keeps trying. *chuckle*  If only we could redirect her energy somewhere positive and productive.

Anyhoodles, a little background:  She has shown up not once but twice *lol* with fake engagement rings trying to fool people.  They were such bad fakes they didn't fool the kids *lol*.  She married fake number two and he got a real diamond ring and band afterward.  It don't look nothing like the other one .

This Christmas she left her husband of 2 years and moved into an expensive azz townhouse in an exclusive area that I know she is working herself into the ground to afford.  Her mother moved into help her with the bills.  They are sleeping on air mattresses according to Sissy, her mother.

So it's Christmas Eve and her child is laying on the floor playing and kicking a purse.  There are plenty of people in the house.  I have no idea whose purse he is kicking and I could care less. It is just a purse.

She looks down and sees her son kicking her purse and snatches her purse.  "Give me my $800 purse."

I know the look I gave her was shock.  She must have mistook it for being impressed.  I looked over at my other sisters.  You sleeping on an air mattress but you just bought the newest Louis Vuitton?  GTFOH!!!!

*LOL*  It was serious on Christmas but I've dumped some negative energy and now its just sadly funny.

I hope she gets her life together before she ends up like her mother, Sissy, without a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.

Bottomline, neither of their lives is my life.  I love 'em both but they gotta do them and I damn sure am gonna do me.  Cutting ties, people.  I am cutting ties.  Blood and others.  Anyone not contributing good energy gotta go.  I've met total strangers who are more supportive than some of my own kin and friends who have known me for years.

I am growing and changing in many new and positive ways.  I need people doing the same thing and I am going to go find them.


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