What in the hayle is going on with folks?
So the insanity continues. *smh* Let’s see. My women’s group
disbanded and reformed. This is what happened. I guess about 10 days ago there
was a discussion on OHN about the comments that a comedian made about feeling
like he was being raped at the gas pump. A woman in the audience took him to
task over it and he made a comment back to her about wouldn’t it be funny if
she got raped by the audience. Not sure why he thought that was a funny
comeback. The backlash over it was news for a minute.
So we were discussing it more in my women’s group. Well, it
has been a busy couple of weeks for me. I am starting the transition to a higher
level position. I have transitioned most of my current duties to other people
in the dept. Let me say that is a little nerve racking. You wonder are you
really getting a promo or being let go. *chuckle* But I am now transitioning
into the new position. A lot of meetings and getting up to speed on this new
project. It has been going on for over a year so I’m learning who the players
are here in Bmore and in that country. As well as learning what we are doing
there, what we will be doing for the foreseeable future, etc. And they like
physical meetings dang it! *chuckle* So I was there at the beginning of the
discussion in our women’s group.
Sometime after I left the discussion it evidently got heated
between the woman who moderates the group and TG. The two of them have bumped heads a few times
in the past. So by the time I got home,
had dinner, and got situated TG had been ejected from our women’s group. It
gets worse.
So, I’m on fb and talking about it with the group moderator
and we are all just trying to get over it and move on. Well next thing I know,
TG posts on the group moderator’s wall. TG is over 30 years old. Too old for
the foolishness I saw on the moderator’s wall. So I knew a couple of her
friends were online so I hop over to the group and say one of them needs to
pull her to the side because she’s about to have a very public fb meltdown. I
left it at that and got offline.
This was the weekend of my BFL’s grandson’s baby shower. He
was a premie so we did the shower after he came home from the hospital and
finally got off all his monitors. He’s a
cute little fellow. Only thing fat on him is his cheeks but they say he eats well
so I’m sure he’ll pick up the weight in no time.
So Saturday I was on the road all day. Sunday I get online to find the group
disbanded and the moderator has deleted her account. Good grief, TG done
bullied the woman away from fb. A group of almost 40 women all getting along
fine and all it took was one to take the group down. This is an awesome
reminder about being extra careful about who you let in your life. Now TG is
supposed to be a mental healthcare provider. O…kay.
So by the time I get online Sunday the other ladies in the
group have talked extensively about reforming the group. I mean extensively. By
the time I get on line to start reading the private messages back and forth I
think I read to the 20th comment and finally just skipped to the end to say I’m on board with restarting the group. My muse was calling me. *chuckle* She has a
lot of ideas she wants me to work on and all this drama was taking up my time
trying to keep up with it. And truly it just ain’t that serious.
For real, the way the two of them bumped heads, I don’t know why
when TG LEFT the group she didn’t just stay gone. The two of them don’t mix
well at all. *shrug* It is what it is.
One of TG’s friends said that TG was scared we’d use her
personal information against her. *side eye left, pause, side eye right* I
would love to know what information they are talking about. Only thing I
remember her ever discussing was her ex and her job searches. And she deleted
all the posts about her ex when she was done with the discussion. So I didn’t
know what exactly we had on her that was so dire. I just looked at the post and
smh. They keep defending her and they are all gonna be on the news. She’s more than a little off.
Because Sunday morning I get on Twitter to say good morning
to everyone. She immediately asks me did I get her message. Now, my tweetdeck
stopped working last year and I lost patience with trying to fix it and just
said fugg it. So I actually go online to use Twitter. Well Twitter doesn’t jump
up and say, hey you got a pm. It will highlight the box but that box is in the
upper right of my screen. The timeline is in the middle of my screen and that
is where I concentrate.
Anyway I look up and low and behold there is a PM. So I open
it and there are three. One is from TG asking me did I get her message on fb.
*sighs* I go over to fb and there is a PM from her asking me did I get her
message on Twitter. I’s getting tired at this point. So I respond to both PMs
that I didn’t see a question in either and what was she talking about. Then I
get offline to go wash clothes.
I come back to another Twitter PM asking can she trust me
and am I ignoring her. To which I then give her a rundown of my weekend so far.
So what is going on? She responds oh I
just wanted to know what happened with the women’s group but the past is the
past and she’s gonna drop it. Smartest thing she had typed all day.
So last week they put the group back together sans TG and
the moderator. I was kinda like wow but I understood the reasoning. It would
just be best for all intents and purposes that if one wasn’t invited then the
other shouldn’t be either. And the group was supposed to be secret. *pregnant
pause* Supposed to be secret.
So my writing group does writing challenges to help us train
our brains to write more. I think it is a great idea. So one of the challenges
I was just in love with. It was a scene I had envisioned many times for a
character that is in my head but I couldn’t write it for anything in the world.
So I discussed it with the group and the discussion really uncorked some stuff
that I hadn’t thought of before. So last Friday and Saturday I was brain
storming and cleaning house. I really would like to beat the brakes off the teenager
who keeps coming into my place when I’m out and wrecking it. I can’t believe I’m
this messy! *chuckle*
Sunday I was out with
my sisters in the afternoon. They both got major drama going on with them.
Yikes! It is an epidemic. So I get back Sunday evening, play a few games,
comment on a few posts and take myself to bed. We had dinner at Rusty Skupper’s
and I had had Coldstone for dessert. I was sleepy early. Not to mention
somebody on fb was really serious about something that was making me giggle
like a fool. All the more reason to take my butt to bed before I got into trouble
by putting my foot in my mouth.
So Monday, there’s new drama in my new women’s group. The
moderator of the old group has reactivated her account on fb. It would seem that someone snitched to her that
we had restarted the women’s group and she wasn’t taking it well. So I read
through the post at almost all the comments. Again, it was a long post and I
think I only skipped the last 10 or so comments.
I really didn’t know why it mattered at first but then as I
read, people brought up the fact that this is supposed to be a place where we
can talk about anything confidentially. And they are right. Whoever opened their
mouth was wrong.
So I finally get curious and go over to the old moderator’s
wall wondering how bad the comment could be. *blink blink* I was shocked. Yeah.
It was a bit over the top for something so small and insignificant really. She
flat out said that we stole her idea and that it was shytty of us.
*blink blink* I agreed with everyone else then. Though I
like this woman, no one stole anything. She disbanded the group and left fb. No
one knew where she went or if she was coming back. We just put it back together
and kept it moving like grownups are supposed to do. Everyday there is some
drama going on somewhere. One monkey or two don’t stop the show. I was really
shocked that a 40 year old woman would behave that way. I’m going to chalk it up
to her having hurt feelings and keep it moving. Because in her shoes I would have been hurt, examined whether I did anything wrong, apologized if I had or chucked them the deuces if I felt I hadn't done anything wrong.
So I left them playing blues clues trying to figure out who
the snitch is. But really without a confession we probably will never know who
the snitch is. *smh*
We have a similar situation going on at my job. *chuckle*
Like I said, everyone got issues. So once a week we get delivery from an area
restaurant. CCW2 organizes it. We’ve been doing it for over a year. Well
someone complained to our boss that people were too noisy coming to pick up
their lunch, bringing their orders (most of us email them but whatever) and
paying her. There was just too much noise coming from CCW2’s office for this
So CCW2 is trying to play blues clues. She decides it has to
be the woman in the office next to me because she never orders. Also, every
time CCW2 comes to talk to me she gets up and shuts her office door. Now that
don’t mean anything but CCW2 is just livid.
Well, she sends out a notice that last week would be our
final week ordering out because someone had complained of the noise level. So
one of the lunch participants said that there was an empty office next to her
and that maybe we could at least do lunch distribution from there. This office
is in the next hallway over from us. CCW2 presents that to our boss who said that
won’t work because that is the hallway where the person (singular, just one pissant)
sits who complained. The walls are thin. I can hear voices from the offices on
the other side of my wall just not what people are saying. I guess that was
just too much noise for someone.
But see CCW2 was all set to blame the coworker sitting
beside me and it was someone in one of the offices behind us. Gotta be careful
playing blues clues. Another thing, when did the complaint of one person become
the end of everyone else’s enjoyment? *sighs*
So everyone was tiptoeing up and down the hall last week to
pay for and pick up their lunch. Someone needs to get laid and shut the f!@#
up. When the sound of people laughing for a couple hours one day a week upsets
your nerves, your azz is wound up entirely too tight.
So in the midst of all this, CCW1 husband done come back but they are arguing on fb.
*eyeroll* CCW1’s child had to have major surgery so she’s complaining about her
child will be overly dramatic and getting on her nerves. She’s twelve. It is
major surgery, 6 hours or more depending on what they find when they open her
up. She’s allowed to be scared. Her main fear is that she’ll wake up during
surgery. It is spine surgery. She’ll be strapped down on her stomach so she
doesn’t move. It is rare but people HAVE AWAKENED during surgery. This is her
first surgery and if she were to awake in that position with a trache down her
throat she won’t be able to tell them she is awake. Her fears are valid. This is
a former medical secretary for neurosurgery typing here. I felt like knocking
CCW1 upside her head.
However when her husband was going around yelling at her and
her daughter for every little thing after his mother died a few months ago she
let him have his dramatics. Her daughter spent most of her time in her room
because every time he saw her, he found a reason to yell at her. Those
dramatics were uncalled for from a 35 year old supposedly grown azz man. *sucks
Then CCW1 is tripping because of one of the duties I
transitioned off to her well it just isn’t working out well. I don’t know what
we are going to do about it but *shrug* it is what it is for now. Everyone
thought because I did my job so well with few complaints that my job was easy.
Well, they are finding out how wrong they were.
CCW2 is still fugging that dirty drug addict peen! *smh* And
she almost got locked up fooling with his azz.
And I am at 2400 words and I’m tired of typing. So I may or may not
complete this later.
But with what I heard from my sisters on Sunday, the drama
with my BFL and her hubby, the job drama, new work load, and CCW1 AND CCW2
personal drama, and that batshyt crazy man who shot up the movie theater at the
Batman movie premiere *shakes hands out* the drama on fb is just more icing on the
cake than I need. I hope the group survives but if not, we tried. But real life
drama is more than enough for me. I don’t need internet drama. Especially over
stuff that is so silly.
*tips soda bottle at monitor*
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