She just confirmed my suspicion. She is thinking about having sex with the diseased peen! *smh* I told her to do her.
Also, I read over the other crazy coworker's post and it is actually NINE pages long. It only captures the nonsense up to May 2011. So much more happened after that. *lol* I won't be updating or posting. I know what I need to know about her and I'm over it.
These two call themselves Christians. *glances Heavenward* I wonder what Bible they are reading from because I swear the ones (yes, plural) that I've read from don't have the Lord Jesus doing any of this.
*skips off to find caffiene*
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Coworker vent...
Sometimes I really do think I am crazy. That perhaps I should be on meds. I think this because people look at me like I'm crazy for not only backing their nonsense but joining in on it. Sometimes, I think that perhaps I should join them in their drama and insanity. Then I go home, have a nice dinner, chat with some folks and got to bed. Then I wake up and realize that I ain't that crazy yet.
So, I've been aluding to but never posting about one of my coworkers. That is because after the post about her got over seven 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages with 1 in margins long and I still wasn't finished with her story, I stopped typing and called TPL. I figured with as many lies as he's told he should be able to sort her out. He gave me part her, that she is one of those people that likes people to feel sorry for her. That felt partially right, then I got the other part of her a couple weeks ago. She likes people to feel sorry for her so that she can beg from them for her needs while spending her money on her wants. It was working up until her birthday.
Incredibily long story made short and simple: After much drama and gifts from her that include a car, her husband kicked her out of the section 8 house. *chuckle* So that was in September. She hated him blah blah blah. Fast forward to December and he throws her a birthday party. *blink blink* At the section 8 house that he kicked her out of in the first place. And only 3 people showed up...and she's mad because more people didn't show.
She said she 'was feeling some kinda way about it for a while but she was over it now'. Her exact words. I felt like calling her out her name and saying: You have taken everyone - friends, family, and coworkers - on a rollercoaster ride for the last 3 years with this ninja that ended in him taking your cell phone bill money to bail his sister out of jail for assaulting her boyfriend and then kicking you out the house and you're mad because more people didn't show up at HIS house for a birthday party for you because you two have kinda sorta made up. For real?
I was speechless. I let her talk and when all I could say in a voice as flat as I could get it was "Oh. Wow." she left my office. smh
Then the other one is talking about hooking up with her baby daddy because she's horny. Normally, this wouldn't even be a blip on my radar because people do this all the time. However, the last time she had sex with him, he gave her chlamydia and her blood tests now show she has been "exposed" to Herpes. Apparently, now you can be exposed to Herpes without getting it. *shrug* I can only keep up with so much. Anyhoodles, I'm looking at her like she has lost her mind and she's whining that she's horny.
O...k...fine...but that ain't the only dinga in Maryland. Why not try something new and get it tested before you do it or at least wear a condom. *sniggle* Now, I don't feel bad about using hand sanitizer after the last time she touched my hand. *sniggle* I felt bad then but not now.
I'm 44 years old and by the grace of God, I've never had an STD/STI. Not that I was particularly that careful, I was just blessed until I smartened up. So for me to get one now and have to go through the embarrassment at my doctor's office? Trust and know that the last thing on my mind would be having sex with a guy who gave me an STD/STI again. Killing him and hiding the body? Yeah. I'd go to sleep fantasizing about it. Having sex with him again? Please don't make me smack you.
These two prove to me daily that stupid comes in all colors. smh I won't lie and say I don't miss the feel of a man beside me and inside me but...errr...uhhhh...I don't miss it that much. It truly ain't that serious. Especially since I know there is a) plenty of dinga out there and b) a lot of it is even clean dinga.
I told her to change her numbers and seek some counseling. I bet she is still in there dreaming about diseased peen. smh
To each his/her own.
So, I've been aluding to but never posting about one of my coworkers. That is because after the post about her got over seven 8-1/2 x 11 inch pages with 1 in margins long and I still wasn't finished with her story, I stopped typing and called TPL. I figured with as many lies as he's told he should be able to sort her out. He gave me part her, that she is one of those people that likes people to feel sorry for her. That felt partially right, then I got the other part of her a couple weeks ago. She likes people to feel sorry for her so that she can beg from them for her needs while spending her money on her wants. It was working up until her birthday.
Incredibily long story made short and simple: After much drama and gifts from her that include a car, her husband kicked her out of the section 8 house. *chuckle* So that was in September. She hated him blah blah blah. Fast forward to December and he throws her a birthday party. *blink blink* At the section 8 house that he kicked her out of in the first place. And only 3 people showed up...and she's mad because more people didn't show.
She said she 'was feeling some kinda way about it for a while but she was over it now'. Her exact words. I felt like calling her out her name and saying: You have taken everyone - friends, family, and coworkers - on a rollercoaster ride for the last 3 years with this ninja that ended in him taking your cell phone bill money to bail his sister out of jail for assaulting her boyfriend and then kicking you out the house and you're mad because more people didn't show up at HIS house for a birthday party for you because you two have kinda sorta made up. For real?
I was speechless. I let her talk and when all I could say in a voice as flat as I could get it was "Oh. Wow." she left my office. smh
Then the other one is talking about hooking up with her baby daddy because she's horny. Normally, this wouldn't even be a blip on my radar because people do this all the time. However, the last time she had sex with him, he gave her chlamydia and her blood tests now show she has been "exposed" to Herpes. Apparently, now you can be exposed to Herpes without getting it. *shrug* I can only keep up with so much. Anyhoodles, I'm looking at her like she has lost her mind and she's whining that she's horny.
O...k...fine...but that ain't the only dinga in Maryland. Why not try something new and get it tested before you do it or at least wear a condom. *sniggle* Now, I don't feel bad about using hand sanitizer after the last time she touched my hand. *sniggle* I felt bad then but not now.
I'm 44 years old and by the grace of God, I've never had an STD/STI. Not that I was particularly that careful, I was just blessed until I smartened up. So for me to get one now and have to go through the embarrassment at my doctor's office? Trust and know that the last thing on my mind would be having sex with a guy who gave me an STD/STI again. Killing him and hiding the body? Yeah. I'd go to sleep fantasizing about it. Having sex with him again? Please don't make me smack you.
These two prove to me daily that stupid comes in all colors. smh I won't lie and say I don't miss the feel of a man beside me and inside me but...errr...uhhhh...I don't miss it that much. It truly ain't that serious. Especially since I know there is a) plenty of dinga out there and b) a lot of it is even clean dinga.
I told her to change her numbers and seek some counseling. I bet she is still in there dreaming about diseased peen. smh
To each his/her own.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Just in case I suddenly disappear...
*cue Twilight Zone music*
So…it has been a strange day. A very hectic day. I just want to go on record as stating that if I suddenly stop writing one day, and some Info-techno-anthropologist someday finds these missives and wonders whatever happened to the writer the crazy white guy on my job probably went off and did us all in.
*serious face*
No, there isn’t any one thing that I can put my finger on as believing that he will explode. It is just a feeling I can’t quite shake that there is something not quite right about him.
Let me just say that he is in a managerial position and he’s had it for longer than a year. Every day it is more and more evident that he doesn’t know what he is doing. He doesn’t remember what was discussed even a few hours ago let alone the day before or last week.
Case and point: I was working on sending several subcontract modifications out for one of his accounts today. He and the coordinator in charge of the project were standing in my doorway going back and forth. He was swearing that he had given me a modification that he hadn’t last week. I was about to pull up the email so he could see that he hadn’t given it to me on Friday. When he finally paused for a breath the coordinator said: I just gave it to you this morning.
The look that passed between them! Wow! All I could think of was the line from A Perfect Murder: That’s not happiness to see me. *concerned sound*
At that point I closed my office door. This is the second time the two of them have been in my office trying to prove to each other that the other one is wrong in less than a week. So far he is O for 2. The last time they were both wrong and I didn’t even bother to correct them. In the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t necessary for them to be right. It was only important that what needed to get done, got done. And thanks to me and my boss, it did.
He gets more and more frustrated at his own mistakes. Then he tries to play it off like he’s not frustrated or angry and everything is good. *skeptical all day long* Everything is definitely not good. He’s working with the wrong person’s accounts to be messing up. There’s an ocean between him and this woman and she can still raise hell from where she is. I’ve seen her in action. It was not pretty.
There’s so much more to add to this but I just don’t feel like going into it right now. But I thought I’d go on record as saying something about him ain’t right. I just got a weird feeling about the guy. Like I said there isn’t an instance that I could go to personnel and say: Hey! He’s crazy! This is why. Do something about him. It is just a feeling.
So if I disappear, look for news on office shooting in downtown Baltimore. *sips eggnog with shaky hand*
Monday, December 19, 2011
*dramatic pause and exasperated chuckle* They sucked me back in!!!! *smh at myself* I made the mistake of checking my email yesterday and found everyone was looking for me. I left a fb message but evidently when I deactivated the acount it did so immediately. I could have sworn the last time one of my fb buddies left fb their page was up for a couple days before it disappeared. So I had to sign back on to let everyone know I was fine.
Jeez! I'm turning into a drama queen online! *smh* And that truly isn't my intention. But I have cut back. That layout truly is horrible. They don't have to worry about me being on fb often. Ugh! I guess I am a very linear person after all. It is kind of set up like the front page of a newspaper that is run by lunatics now. There are way too many blocks on the screen and each one has something different going on in it. They offered me a tutorial.
*blank stare*
If I need a tutorial on it then it isn't entertainment. It is work. I get paid to work. I ain't seen a dime from fb.
I did make sure everyone had my email to contact me and my skype. *chuckle* Yes! I skype now. I haven't given out my new cell because I'm not happy with this service so I may be switching and changing numbers again. The person who had this number previously has a lot of bill collectors calling looking for him and I am not so inclined to call them back and let them know this isn't his number anymore. *lip smack* Not my job. My phone is always on vibrate when I'm at work. My family has my office number so if it is an emergency they can call me directly. So during the day these calls go straight to my voicemail and I delete them.
*eyeroll* So I ain't feeling this service or number too much. *sighs* Glad I went with pay as you go before signing up for a plan.
Anyways, I'm back on fb but I think I did detox *chuckle* because I don't feel like I need to be on there. Yesterday was truly weird with the migraine and queasiness.
Jeez! I'm turning into a drama queen online! *smh* And that truly isn't my intention. But I have cut back. That layout truly is horrible. They don't have to worry about me being on fb often. Ugh! I guess I am a very linear person after all. It is kind of set up like the front page of a newspaper that is run by lunatics now. There are way too many blocks on the screen and each one has something different going on in it. They offered me a tutorial.
*blank stare*
If I need a tutorial on it then it isn't entertainment. It is work. I get paid to work. I ain't seen a dime from fb.
I did make sure everyone had my email to contact me and my skype. *chuckle* Yes! I skype now. I haven't given out my new cell because I'm not happy with this service so I may be switching and changing numbers again. The person who had this number previously has a lot of bill collectors calling looking for him and I am not so inclined to call them back and let them know this isn't his number anymore. *lip smack* Not my job. My phone is always on vibrate when I'm at work. My family has my office number so if it is an emergency they can call me directly. So during the day these calls go straight to my voicemail and I delete them.
*eyeroll* So I ain't feeling this service or number too much. *sighs* Glad I went with pay as you go before signing up for a plan.
Anyways, I'm back on fb but I think I did detox *chuckle* because I don't feel like I need to be on there. Yesterday was truly weird with the migraine and queasiness.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Facebook withdrawal...
*pained groan* It is day 3 of no FB and I woke up this morning to a migraine and my stomach turning. Is this even possible? I haven't had a drop of alcohol this weekend. I started to have some spiked eggnogg last night and I'm glad I didn't because I'd be blaming that this morning. I just broke down and took 3 extra strength Tylenol. I am laying here waiting for them to kick in.
*groan* I can't believe this is from no FB. Can it? I know yesterday the melody from one of the games kept playing in my head. lol Then I went shopping and was going to make a recipe from my cooking group and remembered I never copied the recipe over. *sighs* I'll figure out something to do with the ingredients. They will not go to waste. That is if I can get rid of this migraine. I am not in the mood for food right now. *halfhearted smile*
*groan* I can't believe this is from no FB. Can it? I know yesterday the melody from one of the games kept playing in my head. lol Then I went shopping and was going to make a recipe from my cooking group and remembered I never copied the recipe over. *sighs* I'll figure out something to do with the ingredients. They will not go to waste. That is if I can get rid of this migraine. I am not in the mood for food right now. *halfhearted smile*
Friday, December 16, 2011
Facebook is a devil and I decided to stop being its bytch.
*half smirk* As of 12:10 am EST today I deleted my account. I got a preview of the new change to fb and decided it was time to jump ship. *eye roll* Way too much information coming at me on opening the damn thing and no way to turn it off.
From my 14 - 15 months on fb I found that I am easily sucked into it. I've signed on to it on a Saturday morning just to say GM and check my games *chuckle* and then planned to head out to do errands. Low and behold 2 hours later I'm still there! So the new format would not have worked for me and my real life offline. *chuckle*
Now, however, I'm going through withdrawals! lol I quit twitter last year. I can only breeze by OHN and BA gets quiet around the holidays. People got ish to do.
I use blogs and fb to fill in the space as I wait for people to reply to emails, return calls, conference calls, etc. So now what do I do with my time. I hate waiting for anything. My mind always has to be occupied with something and now I have dead air. Maybe it is time to job hunt again?
I know, heffa what? lol I just need something to do at all times. Last night after I deleted my account, I turned off my laptop and lay in bed with my legs shaking. *chuckle* The withdrawals had started.
Oh man oh man...
From my 14 - 15 months on fb I found that I am easily sucked into it. I've signed on to it on a Saturday morning just to say GM and check my games *chuckle* and then planned to head out to do errands. Low and behold 2 hours later I'm still there! So the new format would not have worked for me and my real life offline. *chuckle*
Now, however, I'm going through withdrawals! lol I quit twitter last year. I can only breeze by OHN and BA gets quiet around the holidays. People got ish to do.
I use blogs and fb to fill in the space as I wait for people to reply to emails, return calls, conference calls, etc. So now what do I do with my time. I hate waiting for anything. My mind always has to be occupied with something and now I have dead air. Maybe it is time to job hunt again?
I know, heffa what? lol I just need something to do at all times. Last night after I deleted my account, I turned off my laptop and lay in bed with my legs shaking. *chuckle* The withdrawals had started.
Oh man oh man...
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