Monday, November 5, 2012

Beware! Black men are on their periods this month.

So it is time for another internet hiatus. *chuckle*  Some ish has popped off online that all started on November 1.  I was over on OHN and some drama went down and now the owner is shutting down/selling his site.

*blink blink*

It all stemmed from a letter that was supposed to be from an anonymous reader to the Men’s Round Table.  Come to find out one of the men on the RT did it to put his girl on blast.  His girl is also part of the OHN community.  The RT dumped on her without knowing who they were dumping on.  Her friends came out to defend her.  Then she defended herself and then the bf outed himself and it all went downhill from there.

Then Beth took it upon herself to bring up our supposed to be secret ladies group and threw the bitches word out there.  A word I wear with pride when I need to but whatever.  Until I can ask for and receive what I ask for without being a bitch I don’t mind being called one. *shrug*  Fugs to give about that word equal zero.  However, the way she did it was uncalled for.  Then it came out that we STILL have a snitch among the women.  We think we've found her but we won’t know for sure unless more info of our goings on are leaked.  It has just been a mess for the past four days.  The snitch was feeding Beth word for word and Beth was calling Stan.  A BIG OLE MESS!

I posted in our supposed secret group that someone needs to let Stan know that he needs to check Beth if he is really trying to sell the site with its readership intact and then I dipped out.  Let the smoke clear and the dust settle.  Beth over on Twitter talking about she wants to punch someone. *smh*

I’m like wow!  And she keeps making references to our group as a cliche.  I’m like, yeah.  There are plenty of cliches on OHN.  You fall in with who you fit in with.  She wouldn't fit in with our group.  She use to be a nice person but I've noticed over the last year that she is turning mean and really bitter.  I’m attributing it to her son growing up and cutting those apron strings whether she wants them cut or not.

She’s in our cooking group and we were talking about what we were making for dinner one evening.  She made a comment that she hadn't been cooking much.  She said the last time she cooked her son didn't bother to come home.  I’m like, he’s 20 get use to that.  It maybe what is making her so mean this past year or it may be something totally unrelated that I know nothing about.  But truly it has been a mess.

I’m like, really people are this messed up because we got a secret group.  Everyone in the group ain’t even OHNawlers so again I didn’t see the big deal.  I’m part of two other secret groups and I don’t mention what goes on in those groups with the women and vice versa.

But now that I’m home with my feet up, I’ve had some time to put things into perspective.  Now I ain’t saying this is what is happening but it would make a lot more sense than what seems to be going on.  I was sitting here thinking what if the drama is being pumped up to up readership so that he can get a good price for his site?  If that is true, I ain’t even mad.  He has a young family and we are in a recession.  Black folks are always the hardest hit financially whenever the economy takes a downturn.  And we are the last to recover financially.  Though we spend more money. *smh*

So if that is what is up then my peacekeeping butt needs to have a seat.  If not then I need to lie down because this ish is completely uncalled for.  Because the drama over our little group has been ongoing for more than a minute.  This ain’t the first time Beth has said something about us.  Since she isn’t the topic most of the time her source(s) are lying azz lying to her. *smh*

It amazes me that adults can be so… petty about such a simple thing as a group of ladies who have things in common who have their own meeting place.  We ain’t the only OHNawlians with our own secret group.  Heck!  TDP got his own secret group.  He and I don’t get along so it phases me not that I am not invited to join.  That’s why I don’t understand why Beth has been so upset about the group.  When she talks about what happens between her and the OHNawlians she does get along with on gchat, text, etc nobody is mad.  That’s why I am so confused about this animosity toward our little group.

And I hope the chick(s) doing the flapping of the gums know what goes around truly does come back around.  We actually put our trust in each other to not spread around what goes on in there.  Not that we are doing anything that spectacular but we talk about personal stuff.  Fears, hopes, illnesses, family issues and the like.  We take turns buoying each other up.  And that is really awesome.  But the snitch(es) ought to be ashamed of themselves. 

Again, I’m a just chill and work on my book for NaNoWriMo.  I’m behind two days already.  I was just fine until Saturday and then I got lazy.  This is why I’m cutting this short so I can get back to work.
The drama don’t end there.  Me and TPL are on the outs but that is a post for another day.  Good thing I can play my zynga games on their website.

*tips water glass at monitor*

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