Breezing by just to give the facts. *chuckle* I'm in a really good place right now so not too much to complain about.
The crazy white guy that *finger quotes* resigned has found a new job. So we've stopped worrying that he'll show up to the job to take out his frustrations on us. It is right up his alley too. I wish him well.
The job is busy with the new duties I have but hey it is a living. I'm making strides to move forward in my life in positive ways. I'm shedding anything and anyone negative without a backwards glance. It feels awesome. I finally understand the phrase: I'm too blessed to be stressed. *bright smile*
I ain't got time for the drama. I finally realized how to let people walk their own path without getting sucked into it. It is day 36 of 2013 and my fuggs to give remain at zero. *shrug* And it feels really good.
I caught myself about to grumble a couple days ago. *smh smiling* I was looking at what I had left over after I had paid my monthly bills and was about to grumble when I remembered having zero left over after bills. I gave thanks to God for raising me up from there and kept it moving. My only wish at that point was a trip to my favorite steakhouse anyway. You know a couple days later a friend showed up to treat me to lunch there? *smiling* My Lord God is truly an awesome God. Not only are my needs met but my wants too.
Like I said, I ain't got too much to complain about. What I would complain about I am finding constructive ways to work through it. Complaining very rarely does any good for me anyway. It is always best just to figure out the lesson or skill or whatever I'm supposed to get out of a situation so that I can move on. Life is about more than just surviving the rough patches but appreciating them for what they were meant for.
*chuckle* I sound all Zen like. I guess that is just how I am feeling now. Trust it isn't an all day every day feeling...YET! But every day it lasts longer and longer. I am so grateful and thankful right now that I feel like gushing.
There's a lot going on with the folk around me but...*shrug* that's their journey not mine. And I am finally okay with that.
Oh! The Ravens won the Superbowl. I could care less but it has made people in Baltimore a little more pleasant. People have been in good moods for the past couple days. Baltimore needed that spirit lift. I'm hoping it carries through for a while.
Otherwise my president is still black *chuckle*, life is good, my books are doing well. I can't live off the proceeds YET! But I know I soon shall be able to do so. Then I can really start pumping out stories. I've got so many ideas! Oh and I found a new happy place. *lol* Amazing what you find and how your life changes when you go looking for the light and happiness instead of dwelling on unhappiness and the dark. Yup! The Lord God is STILL good, STILL sits on His throne and all is right with the world.
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