Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Randomness, Again...

Well as you can see I did get dug out and got back to work. Been busy as a one armed paper hanger since we got back to work. *lol* The people in non-snowed in areas were not impressed with the fact that we were snowed in and unable to get to work. Oh well. It was what it was. Getting caught up. Jeez! Office shuts down for one week and people act like it was the end of their world. Puh-lease. They are just fine.

I haven’t heard a peep from My Obsession about whether he liked the stories or not. I will take it that he doesn’t. I guess I won’t post anymore online. Yeah, he still gets online from time to time. Like I said, I have been stopping by my old stomping ground online. He’s there just not often. So it isn’t too weird. Funny, the moment I figured out he must not like the stories my muse spoke to me and I saw how to turn it into a love story LMAO! Laws! I miss the days when my stories were all short stories. Everything turns into a novel now. *sigh*

Such is life. I ain’t complaining. It keeps me busy and out of trouble.

What trouble? Well, first of all that guy is still calling. About once a week now. *smh* I am not all that. He’s not a bad looking dude. He’ll find someone new to bug come the spring hopefully. She has my condolences. *chuckle*

Past couple weeks have been really stressful. I don’t know what is going on with people. Everyone just seems more stressed than usual. We are getting more changes every day. Just after the storm we got yet one more new computer system. I already knew this ish wasn’t gonna work after the other two systems effed up everything from accounts payables to payroll. So I already knew to back up all my work TWO TIMES.

Monday morning when we got in I pulled up the files I normally work from on the new server. *chuckle* Half of them were missing and the ones that were there hadn’t been updated since June 2009. Um. No. I work in these files daily and had added new ones.

Pulled out one of my back ups and went to work. Meanwhile…there were people walking around fussing and cussing. One chick had tears in her eyes cuz she didn’t understand how they effed up her files.


OH REALLY? You don’t know? *smh* People really expected things to go off without a hitch. Chile after they shorted my paycheck, paid dead people and lost the top execs paychecks I knew not to expect perfection. As a friend of mine still in IT likes to say: There are A, B, & C students in every profession. IT is no different. We got some A students on the job in IT. But we got some B & C students, too.

I am in the process of making a new friend. That’s cool. Actually a few of them. There’s Hellokittyslut, link to her blog over to your right, and a few cool chicks on BA. BA is planning a meet a greet next year at Mardi Gras. Getting my chicks together to go with. I am not going all the way to New Orleans by myself during Mardi Gras. Do you know how many tourists turn up dead or don’t turn up at all during Mardi Gras? One is too many so I am taking my girls with me.

Yeah, I know the heifers complain a lot but they know the rule. I don’t get but one good vacation a year. If you mess it up by complaining then you have to reimburse me for my vacation. Think I am playing and get left out a couple trips and learn.

They adhere to this rule. That’s the good thing about old friends. Most of the kinks are already worked out of the relationship and we still like each other.

New friends are great, too. Hellokittyslut and I seem to have quite a few things in common. I hope one day we can get together for drinks or dinner but it’s gonna be a minute. Gotta kick the tires and just check her out. Make sure I feel good about her.

Hard for me to trust meeting people online. Just never know about people online until you look in their eyes and can be sure. *shrug* Or maybe that’s just me.

I know, meet in a public place. Do you have any idea how many people have gone missing from a public place? So she gonna have to give me a minute. I got friend and family maintenance to do for the next few weeks anyway.

Oh, by the by, I haven’t seen my neighbor’s girlfriend since we all got dug out LMAO! Damn. And that’s all I need to say about that.

Well, I got a few more things to update but I think this is enough for now.

*tips wine glass at monitor*

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