Why are we women so mean and nasty *pause and eye roll* sometimes?
I know. I know. We aren’t always mean and nasty. We can be loving, nurturing, caring, etc, etc. But I declare for all of that we can be some mean and nasty heffas.
Ok, here is the latest.
In March I ordered some slacks from my favorite mail order catalog. I ordered them in the size I have been ordering my clothes in for the last 5 years or more. When they arrived I tried them on eagerly. And they fit like I ordered them two sizes too small! I took each pair off and checked the size label and sure enough they were the size I had ordered. I mean with the first pair I could lie to myself and say they were cut small but when I got to the wide legged pair of pants I had ordered there was no way to hide behind the lie.
I immediately went to consult my bathroom scale. Sure enough, it seems that while I was snowed in I had picked up about 10 pounds. *sigh*
So, I thought about it and decided to drop the 10 pounds instead of ordering larger sizes. I started small in mid March. I dropped about 5 pounds in a few weeks. Then around the last week of March one of the members of my new online hangout Baller Alert (www.baleralert.com) issued a get healthy challenge to the members. Just 30 days of living right.
Since I still had 5 pounds to go to get comfortably into my new clothes I figured what the heck and joined in. I got rid of all the white sugar and now use raw sugar or brown sugar. I no longer eat white bread. *gasp and grabs chest* You have no idea how much that hurt. I am a bread junky. I love breads and rolls. Luckily, I can still have rye and pumpernickel. Whole wheat bread takes a whole lot of getting use to. I still am trying to get use to it. But the change cut down on my carb intake that’s for sure. I went from 6-8 servings of bread a day down to 2 servings of bread a day. *chuckle*
Something I’d like to pass on about switching over to whole grain breads…drink lots and lots of water! *chuckle* Now I get between 64-70 ounces of water in me a day on a regular. But with switching over to eating whole grains I HAD to up that to no less than 80 ounces of water a day. Having my bowels locked up or slow for over 2 weeks was enough to convince me of that. Took me another week to get them unlocked and I am still working on getting them back to their regular 2-3 times a day schedule.
So anyway, while I was at it I stopped eating fried foods. If it isn’t baked, boiled, broiled, steamed or stir fried in olive oil then it doesn’t cross my lips. I’ve done well, even though for the last week I have been dying for a piece of Popeye’s fried chicken. So far I am fighting the craving.
So far I’ve dropped over 20 pounds since March. I am in my new slacks and loving the way they hang on me now. *smile*
So one of the ladies on my job noticed that I was losing weight. She asked me what I was doing and I told her and blah blah blah. That should have been the end of it, right? *tired side eye* Wrong.
So she told the other women in our little section. So they all had to come look at me and ask questions. That would have been so nice if that had been the end of it. But no…she had to tell one more woman outside of our section. You’d think this lady of the church, pastor’s wife and all would have been supportive. You’d think. You really would. But that’s not the feeling I got from her.
So, she came by with the normal questions and I gave the normal answers. Then this: “Nothing fried at all?”
“Not even a french fry?”
Then she rubs her stomach that looks as if she is 8 months pregnant and shakes her head. “Oh. I couldn’t do that. You know you can bake french fries in the oven and that’s not as bad.”
I smiled my bland little smile that I give to people trying to tell me to have a baby right quick and said nothing.
What I felt like saying was this:
Sweetie, I didn’t ask you for your advice. You came around to my office which is half a floor away from you to be nosey and ask me questions. I didn’t walk around to your office half a floor away to tell/order/ask/coerce you into joining me in my quest to get healthy. I neither need nor want an oven baked french fry or anything else fried. I’m good. I am satisfied with my slow steady weight loss. I ain’t denying myself anything that I need. I get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water. I eat about 3 meals a day and have found that I actually like baked Lays potato chips. They kinda taste like Pringles (my addiction) and have only 2 grams of fat. I eat sorbet instead of ice cream. Yoplait yogurt is my brand of crack now. I haven’t even started exercising, yet. I thought I’d see how much I could lose without really trying first.
So if my 20+ pounds is hurting your feelings then hold on, momma, cuz as soon as I hit my first plateau I will be kicking it into gear and starting my exercise regime. You, Mrs. Pastor’s Wife, first lady of the church will really be hating then. *smh*
Why couldn’t she just say good job and keep it moving like everyone else? Like I’ve done to other people who have lost weight in the past? *smh* Pastor’s wife. Church folk.
My childhood pastor use to say that the devil comes to church, too. Dang. He didn’t tell me how high up in the ministerial hierarchy he could go. *smh*
*tips Stewart’s crème soda bottle at monitor*
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