I was offered a new job today...yip...eee...
I must be stuck on stupid or slow or something...It seems every 15 months I find a new job. I don't really know if I want a new job. I just know I want something!
The italics means I feel real emotion about that. I don't want to have a typical midlife crisis where I resolve nothing. And end up resigned to go quietly into the dark sweet night that is death. Or dark sweet life depending on what I am believing and praying for at any given moment.
Yes, I have prayed to not exist anymore. To live forever seems like too much. I can't quite wrap my mind around it. And if I did live forever, would I continue to be like this? Would I get to a point again in say, a million years or so when I was bored and there truly were no new horizons to explore? This leads to more questions and more questions and not enough time or energy or caring to keep typing about it.
Real emotion about my life and its not about a new job and a bigger paycheck. I told them yes, but I have time to say no. I'll think about it over the weekend and get back to them next week. Maybe...I could aways just not show up for the job...chuckle
I haven't done that in a minute. I don't advocate it. Never know when you will run across your coulda, shoulda, woulda been boss again. I was young and stupid and I think more than a little bit depressed. I woke up late for my new job and decided to skip it.
Crazy, huh?
I like the job I am in. I actually like the people I work with. And that is saying something. We are an office of 14 women. I have never liked working under women or with women. We tend to bring our problems to work and take them out on whoever is working under us or next to us for that matter. Yet, I have been at this job for 16 months and I still pretty much like everyone including my bosses.
Doesn't stop the boredom, though.
What to do? What to do?
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