Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Happy New Year!

*chuckles* Kinda sorta.  I’ve been pretty busy but I did want to swing by and give a quick update on my life.  I got downsized/laid off or whatever you call it in June 2013.  It has been an interesting time in my life full of reflection and refocusing.  I don’t really feel like I can talk about it with the women in my women’s group.  Most of them are atheists and even the ladies who say they believe are still struggling with their faith.  So me and my happy go lucky way of looking at things just don’t quite fit there.  Do I know all the reasons I’ve been going through what I have for the past eight months?  No.  I do feel like one reason was to help me refocus my energy.

I’ve been self-publishing for over a year.  Before June 2013 I was selling 5-10 books a month.  Now I’m selling 100 books a month!  Some months more but at least 100 except at Christmas because well Christmas! Lol  People got gifts to buy but January came around and I’m right back at 100/month.  With just eight months of refocusing my energy.  *blink blink*  That wouldn’t have happened if I had stayed in my previous job surrounded by so much negativity, loneliness, unhappiness, complaining, etc.  There was a lot of negativity that I dealt with from people 40 hours a week.

Yeah I was positive but even I can’t be positive for 125 people.  So I was removed from that situation.  I got to sit home for six months and really work on my stories, re-tweak some that were already published, work on marketing strategies, network and such.  It was a blessing.

When my benefits ran out He sent me a job that I hadn’t even applied for.  It is a temp to perm position but it is paying the bills.  The car got repo’d but hey I’m in great health (PRICELESS), my mind is steady spitting out ideas for new stories so fast I can barely keep up, I’m selling books with minimal marketing on my part, I still have my apartment, food in the fridge, clothes on my back, lights on, heat on, phones plural on, and I live on a regular public transportation route, I got a wonderful supportive family and great real life and online friends.  I’m blessed.

Everyone on fb ain’t doing that well.  Not to mention someone sent this guy my way who I’ve told ever so nicely we are not compatible.  He doesn’t seem to get that.  He thinks he just needs to show me what I’m missing. *pause* I just need a fb break.  I don’t know who sent him my way but they are truly not a friend.  Only reason I friended him in the first place was because we had a few friends in common and they are all people I talk to on a regular. Oh well.

So, I’m doing some growing and I’m learning some new things.  I am just being open to the positive forces around me and trusting in Him.  Me and my BFL had a spa weekend over the summer and we talked about Him removing you from negative situations.  She didn’t get downsized but she did have to move her desk to a new area.  She said she was miffed at first but then was like ‘Hey, I still got a job and they are downsizing around here.  Let me put a smile on, be grateful, and move my desk.’.  She said after she moved she realized it was to a quieter area.  She didn’t have to listen to her coworkers complaining anymore.  The people she is now surrounded by are just as professional as she is.  They come to work, do their jobs, are polite and courteous and take their butts home at the end of the day.  She hadn’t had such peaceful days in years. *smile* She said that’s when she realized why she had been moved.  She needed to get out of the midst of all that negativity and madness.  She said in the area she is in now she can get a lot more work done.  People aren’t constantly trying to get her to listen to their latest drama.

I speak from experience when I say, you listen to that stuff too long you will eventually take that stuff into yourself.

Now I’m moving toward starting my own publishing company JUST FOR MY STUFF! *chuckling* Not looking for clients or anything.  I want to have my books translated into other languages and I found a woman to do so.  But then the woman who is going to translate for me said her boss needs a billing address.  As I was typing up my home address it looked so unprofessional.  That’s one thing I pride myself on is being professional.  So I was like, let me go rent one of those virtual offices.  Then the idea that’s been kicking around in my head popped up again.  Start your own publishing company! *chuckling* Time to incorporate!  That will take more time and I’ve got to redirect money to that so the translations will have to take a back seat for a minute.

It is kinda hard to talk about these things among the group because there are a couple published writers there, too.  I’ve heard a few times they envy me.  I just smile because they have the things I always wanted.  A husband and kids.  My stories are my husband and kids so that’s where my energy flows.  If I were married with kids and a demanding 40-50 hour/week job then that is where my energy would go.  It is all about appreciating what you got and just knowing that there is a different wonderful plan for all of us.

*shrug* That’s how I reconcile it.  Not everyone is in a mind or spirit to do so.  So I just keep to my corner and do my thing.

Here’s to learning and growing!

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